Monday, October 1, 2007

The Portable Phonograph

The Portable Phonograph - Walter Van Tilburg Clarke


A world war breaks out and apparently annihilates the entire civilized world - save for four men.

The amazing part here is that the entire world was ravaged without the use of nuclear weaponry. How sad.

So a doctor owns a phonograph and a few books which he protects with a very comfortable piece of lead pipe, just in case the others would want to take his belongings. This is only to be expected, however, for how does one manufacture a phonograph when almost all semblance of human technology has been blown to itty-little bits?

Regardless, I disapprove. I see Armageddon as an ideal and prudent time to exercise the democratic intuitions that natural selection saw fit to endow us with. A man with a lead pipe will not survive on his own. The chances of four men with four lead pipes will be much more preferable. XD

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