Monday, October 1, 2007

Harrison Bergeron

Harrison Bergeron - Kurt Vonnegut Jr.


Another dystopian story, but this time, in lieu of communism or capitalism run amok, the story illustrates a society wherein egalitarianism has run amok. When people are made physically equal by having weights put on the stronger people, something is bound to go wrong.

Harrison Bergeron, an amazingly smart and amazingly strong kid, does something amazingly stupid. He barges in on a TV studio, shouts "I am the emperor," and proceeds to take a beautiful wimman and dances with her to the ceiling.

He then gets shot.

So. Society = egalitarian maniacs, Harrison = autocratic maniac. That's a crappy set of choices.

I disagree with the egalitarians. What kind of social equality is that? One must admit that there is always an imbalance, and everyone is never equal in all respects.
I disagree with Harrison. Good thing he got shot.

The moral of the story? Don't say that you are the emperor, for I am the emperor. XD

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